Always ask your boss if there is anything you can do to help. The first few times, they might say that they don’t need help with anything. But eventually, they may end up giving you something extra to do. By asking them for more work, it shows to your boss that you are willing to put in the extra mile.
Get to work early, stay late and work weekends if they ask.
Show interest in the field and that you want to learn more. Ask to sit in on some meetings with your boss.
Thank your boss for their help. Tell them what you think of them as a boss/mentor.
Asking for Bigger Challenges
Get your tasks done early and make sure they are quality. If you’re able to come up with example of when you’ve exceeded expectations, your boss will be more inclined to give you more tasks
“be careful what you ask for because you might get it.” Make sure you’re up for the challenge. If you tell your boss you want something new and challenging, they might give it to you. Don’t be disappointed by the hard work it might take to do the task.
Talking to Higher Ups
Co-workers: ask about family, weekends/vacations, hobbies, interests, work history
Mentors: questions about the assignment. Thank the mentor.
Managers: you may ask about their family and weekends/vacations. Building a personal connection with your manager is always good.
Networking Outside Your Department
Ask supervisor about the best way to meet people in other departments to understand how the business works as a whole. They might end up introducing you to various members.
If you’re doing well in your department, you may ask to visit other departments to learn what they do. Start with ones that your department interacts with.
Ask to attend the daily or weekly department meetings.
Network informally in the coffee room, the cafeteria, or social events.
Tackling Your Project
If your project seems overwhelming, break it up into smaller pieces.
At the end of every day, make a list of the next day’s assignments and arrange them in order to importance. Include the amount of time each item takes. In the morning, you'll be able to get straight to work and know exactly where to start and what to do.